Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

This tells us that the potential of the positive plate is greater than the potential of the
negative plate, by the amount Ed.

The Skinny on
Remember these
three key facts:

  1. A positive charge
    moves from high
    potential to low

  2. A negative charge
    moves from low potential
    to high potential.

  3. In either case, the
    electric potential energy
    decreases, as it is becoming
    kinetic energy.

Now that we know how to calculate electric potential, let’s revisit electric
potential energy. The applications of electric potential all follow from this one
fundamental equation:

Change in Electric Potential Energy

∆U = q∆Φ = qV

That is, the change in potential energy is given by the product of a charge q and the
potential difference between the two points it travels between, q∆Φ. This can also
can be expressed as qV, where V is defined as potential difference (or the change in
potential) and is known as voltage.

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