Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


You may see a question on capacitors on the SAT Physics Subject Test, so let’s
discuss them now. Consider two conductors, separated by some distance, that carry
equal but opposite charges, +Q and −Q. This pair of conductors makes up a system
called a capacitor. Work must be done to create this separation of charge, and, as a
result, potential energy is stored. Capacitors are basically storage devices for
electrical potential energy.

It may help to think of a
capacitor as a dam. Water
builds up in one section
of the dam before it can
overflow and pass to the
next section.

The most common capacitors are parallel metal plates or sheets, and these
capacitors are called parallel-plate capacitors. We’ll assume that the distance d
between the plates is small compared to the dimensions of the plates, and in this
case, the electric field between the plates is uniform.

The ratio of Q to the voltage, V, for any capacitor, is called its
capacitance (C).

For a parallel-plate capacitor, we have

Capacitance shows the
relationship between
Q, the charge on the
capacitor, and the potential
difference, V. It does
not determine that charge,
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