Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

and the total current is I = = 9 A. (You could verify that 3 A of current
would flow in each of the three branches of the combination.) The power supplied
by the battery will be P = IV = (9 A)(90 V) = 810 W.

If the resistors are in series, the equivalent resistance is RS = 30 Ω + 30 Ω + 30 Ω

= 90 Ω, and the current drawn is only I = = 1A. The power supplied
by the battery in this case is just P = IV = (1 A)(90 V) = 90 W.

  1. A voltmeter is a device that’s used to measure the voltage
    between two points in a circuit. An ammeter is used to measure
    current. Determine the readings on the voltmeter (denoted )

and the ammeter (denoted ) in the circuit below.
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