Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
After the switch is closed, what will be the common voltage
across each of the parallel capacitors (once electrostatic
conditions are reestablished)?

Here’s How to Crack It

When C 1 is fully charged, the charge on (each of the plates of) C 1 has the magnitude

Q = C 1 V = (2 mF)(12 V) = 24 mC. After the switch is closed, this charge will be

redistributed in such a way that the resulting voltages across the two capacitors, V′,
are equal. This happens because the capacitors are in parallel. So if Q′ 1 is the new

charge magnitude on C 1 and Q′ 2 is the new charge magnitude on C 2 , we have

, so C 1 V′ + C 2 V′ = Q, which gives us

Now let’s examine the case in which a capacitor is first charged up and, while it’s
still connected to its voltage source, has a dielectric inserted between its plates.
First, since the capacitor is still connected to the battery, the voltage between the
plates must match the voltage of the battery. Therefore, V will not change. Next,
because the capacitance C increases, the equation Q = CV tells us that the charge Q
must increase; in fact, because V doesn’t change and C increases by a factor of k,
we see that Q will increase by a factor of k. Next, using the equation V = Ed, we

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