Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Although we’re dealing
with two mediums
now, remember that Rule
#1 still applies while
the wave is in the first
medium (speed does not
change) and will apply
again once it enters the
second medium.
When that happens, the
wave takes on a direct
relationship between its
wave speed v and
wavelength λ:
v 1 /λ 1 = v 2 /λ 2

  1. Two ropes of unequal linear densities are connected, and a
    wave is created in the rope on the left, which propagates to the right,
    toward the interface with the heavier rope.

When a wave strikes the boundary to a new medium (in this
case, the heavier rope), some of the wave’s energy is reflected
and some is transmitted. How do the speed and wavelength of
the incident wave compare with the speed and wavelength of
the transmitted wave?

Here’s How to Crack It

Since the wave enters a new medium, it will have a new wave speed. Because rope

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