Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
, we see that we can solve for L if we know T (since g is known).

  1. B Because the block moves in a circular path, it must experience a centripetal
    acceleration (that is, an acceleration directed toward the center of the
    circle). Now, since the speed of the block is changing, it must also be
    experiencing a tangential acceleration; in particular, because the block’s
    speed is increasing, this tangential acceleration must be in the same
    direction as the block’s velocity. Therefore, the total acceleration of the
    block is the sum of the centripetal acceleration ac and the tangential
    acceleration at. The figure below shows that this sum points upward and to
    the left, so arrow B is best.

  2. B From the equation F = qE, where q is the magnitude of the charge in the
    electric field, we find that

  3. C A magnetic field always does zero work (because the magnetic force
    applied is perpendicular). Doing work means a positive change in kinetic

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