Draw a circle and place a horizontal line through the center and a vertical
line halfway down in the center also. In the top section, write the word ‘‘is.’’
In the lower left section write the % sign, and in the lower right section write
the word ‘‘of.’’ In the top section place the part (P). In the lower left section
place the rate (R) or percent number, and in the lower right section place the
base (B). One of these three quantities will be unknown (see Fig. 6-2).
If you are given the two bottom numbers, multiply them to get the top
number: i.e., P¼RB. If you are given the top number and one of the bottom
numbers, divide to find the other number: i.e.,R¼BPorB¼RP. (see Fig. 6-3).
Type 1 problems can be stated as follows:
‘‘Find 20% of 60.’’
‘‘What is 20% of 60?’’
‘‘20% of 60 is what number?’’
CHAPTER 6 Percent 113
Fig. 6-2.
Fig. 6-3.