Pre-Algebra Demystified

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Each integer has anopposite. The opposite of a given integer is the cor-
responding integer, which is exactly the same distance from the origin as
the given integer. For example, the opposite of4isþ4 or 4. The opposite
of 0 is 0.
The positive distance any number is from 0 is called theabsolute valueof
the number. The symbol for absolute value is | |. Hence, |6|¼6 and |þ10|¼

  1. In other words, the absolute value of any number except 0 is positive. The
    absolute value of 0 is 0, i.e., |0|¼0.

Math Note: Do not confuse the concepts of opposite and absolute
value. With the exception of zero, to find the opposite of an integer,
change its sign and to find the absolute value of an integer,
make it positive.


Find the opposite of 12.

The opposite of 12 is12 since we change the sign.

Find |12|.

|12|¼12 since the absolute value of this number is 12.

Find the opposite of3.

The opposite of3isþ3 or 3 since we change the sign.

Find |3|.

|3|¼3 since the absolute value is positive.

Sometimes a negative sign is placed outside a number in parentheses. In
this case, it means the opposite of the number inside the parentheses. For
example,ð 6 Þmeans the opposite of6, which is 6. Hence,ð 6 Þ¼6.
Also,ðþ 8 Þmeans the opposite of 8, which is8. Hence,ðþ 8 Þ¼8.

18 CHAPTER 2 Integers

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