Pre-Algebra Demystified

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Addition and Subtraction

In algebra, theþsign is usually not written when an integer is positive. For
ðþ 8 Þþðþ 2 Þ is written as 8 þ 2
ð 5 Þðþ 6 Þ is written as  5  6
ðþ 3 Þðþ 8 Þ is written as 3  8
When performing the operations of addition and subtraction in the same
problem, follow these steps:
 Step 1 Write all the positive signs in front of the positive numbers.
 Step 2 Change all the subtractions to addition (remember to add the
 Step 3 Add left to right.


Perform the indicated operations:
3 þð 7 Þð 2 Þþ 5  12 þ 8 ð 6 Þ


Step 1: þ 3 þð 7 Þð 2 Þþðþ 5 Þðþ 12 Þþðþ 8 Þð 6 Þ
Step 2: ðþ 3 Þþð 7 Þþðþ 2 Þþðþ 5 Þþð 12 Þþðþ 8 Þþðþ 6 Þ
Step 3: ðþ 3 Þþð 7 Þþðþ 2 Þþðþ 5 Þþð 12 Þþðþ 8 Þþðþ 6 Þ
¼ 4 þðþ 2 Þþðþ 5 Þþð 12 Þþðþ 8 Þþðþ 6 Þ
¼ 2 þðþ 5 Þþð 12 Þþðþ 8 Þþðþ 6 Þ
¼þ 3 þð 12 Þþðþ 8 Þþðþ 6 Þ
¼ 9 þðþ 8 Þþðþ 6 Þ
¼ 1 þðþ 6 Þ
¼ 5
Hence, the answer is 5.

For each of the following, perform the indicated operations:

  1.  6 þ 5 ð 9 Þ

  2. 12ð 5 Þ 3

  3.  18 þ 4 ð 7 Þþ 2

  4. 3þð 4 Þð 6 Þ

  5.  5 þ 8  6 þ 4  2  3

26 CHAPTER 2 Integers

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