Pre-Algebra Demystified

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1. 8

2. 14

3.  5

4. 5

5.  4

Multiplication of Integers

For multiplication of integers, there are two basic rules:

Rule 1: To multiply two integers with the same signs, i.e., both are positive
or both are negative, multiply the absolute values of the numbers and give
the answer aþsign.


Multiply (þ8)(þ2).

Multiply 8 2 ¼16. Since both integers are positive, give the answer aþ
(positive) sign. Hence, (þ8)(þ2)¼þ16.

Multiplyð 9 Þð 3 Þ:

Multiply 9 3 ¼27. Since both integers are negative, give the answer aþ
(positive) sign. Hence,ð 9 Þð 3 Þ¼þ27.

Rule 2: To multiply two integers with unlike signs, i.e., one integer is
positive and one integer is negative, multiply the absolute values of the
numbers and give the answer a(negative) sign.


Multiplyð 7 Þ(þ6).

Multiply 7 6 ¼42 and give the answer a(negative) sign. Hence,ð 7 Þ

CHAPTER 2 Integers 27

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