The denominator tells how many parts the whole is being divided into, and
the numerator tells how many parts are being used. The fraction^58 means five
equal parts of the whole that has been divided into eight equal parts.
Math Note: The denominator of a fraction cannot be zero.
Other fractional parts are shown in Fig. 3-2.
A fraction whose numerator is less than its denominator is called aproper
fraction. For example,^58 ,^23 , and^16 are proper fractions. A fraction whose
numerator is greater than or equal to its denominator is called animproper
fraction. For example,^53 ,^66 , and^104 are improper fractions. A number that
consists of a whole number and a fraction is called amixednumber. For
example, 6^59 ,1^23 , and 3^18 are mixed numbers.
Reducing Fractions
A fraction is said to be inlowest termsif both the numerator and denomi-
nator cannot be divided evenly by any number except one.
CHAPTER 3 Fractions: Part 1 39
Fig. 3-2.