Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Example 6: 2D Conservation of Momentum


In a rugby game, Player 1 is running with theball at 5 m·s−^1 straight down
the field parallel to theedge of the field. Player 2 runs at 6 m·s−^1 an angle
of 60 ◦to the edge of the fieldand tackles Player 1. In the tackle, Player 2
stops completely whilePlayer 1 bounces off Player 2. Calculate the velocity
(magnitude and direction) at which Player 1 bounces off Player 2. Both the
players have a mass of 90 kg.


Step 1 : Identify what is required and what is given
The first step is to draw the picture to work out what the situation
is. Mark the initial velocities of both players in the picture.

60 ◦


=5 msi

v 2
i=8 ms


v 2 xi

2 v

We also know that m 1 = m 2 = 90 kg and vf 2 = 0 ms−^1.
We need to find the final velocity and angle at which Player 1
bounces off Player 2.

Step 2 : Use conservation of momentum to solve the problem. First find
the initial total momentum:
Total initial momentum= Total final momentum. But we have
a two dimensional problem, and we need to break up the initial
momentum into x and y components.

pix = pfx
piy = pfy

For Player 1:

pix 1 = m 1 vi 1 x= 90× 0 = 0
piy 1 = m 1 vi 1 y= 90× 5
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