Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Ductile material



plastic region

elastic region

Figure 7.4: A ductile substance.

In this graph the relationship between force andextension is for a material that is duc-
tile. The material shows plastic behaviour overa range of forces beforethe material
finally fractures. Ductility is the ability of a material to be stretched intoa new shape
without breaking. Ductility is one of the characteristic properties of metals.

A good example of this is aluminium, many things are made of aluminium. Aluminium
is used for making everything from cooldrink cans to aeroplane parts and even engine
blocks for cars. Think about squashing and bending a cooldrink can.

Brittleness is the opposite of ductility.

When a material reaches a point where Hooke’s Law is no longer valid, we say it has
reached its limit of proportionality. After this point, the material will not return toits
original shape after the force has been removed.We say it has reached its elastic limit.

DEFINITION: Elastic limit

The elastic limit is thepoint beyond which permanent deformation
takes place.

DEFINITION: Limit of proportionality

The limit of proportionality is the point beyondwhich Hooke’s Law is
no longer obeyed.
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