Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  • Materials have the following mechanical properties to a greater or lesser degree:
    strength, hardness, ductility, malleability, brittleness, stiffness.

  • Materials can be weakened by have the following problems in their crystal lattice:
    vacancies, dislocations,impurities, difference ingrain size.

  • Materials can have their mechanical properties improved by one or more of the
    following processes: cold working, annealing, adding impurities, tempering, sin-

Chapter 7 End of Chapter Exercises

  1. State Hooke’s Law inwords.

  2. What do we mean by the following terms with respect to Hooke’s
    (a) elastic limit
    (b) limit of proportionality

  3. A spring is extendedby 18 cm by a force of 90 N. Calculate the spring
    constant for this spring.

  4. A spring of length 8cm stretches to 14 cm when a load of 0,8 N is
    applied to it.
    (a) Calculate the springconstant for the spring.
    (b) Determine the extension of the spring if a load of 0,7 N is applied
    to it.

  5. A spring has a springconstant of− 150 N.m−^1. By how much will it
    stretch if a load of 80 Nis applied to it?

  6. What do we mean bythe following terms when speaking about prop-
    erties of materials?
    (a) hardness
    (b) toughness
    (c) ductility
    (d) malleability
    (e) stiffness
    (f) strength

  7. What is Young’s modulus?

  8. In what different ways can we improve the material properties of sub-

  9. What is a metal alloy?

  10. What do we call analloy of:
    (a) iron and carbon
    (b) copper and zinc

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