Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Example 9: Primary pigments


I have a ruler which reflects red light and absorbs all other colours of light.
What colour does theruler appear in white light? What primary pigments
must have been mixed to make the pigment which gives the ruler its colour?


Step 1 : What is being asked and what are we given?
We need to determinethe colour of the ruler and the pigments
which were mixed to make the colour.

Step 2 : An opaque object appears the colour of the light it reflects
The ruler reflects red light and absorbs all othercolours. There-
fore the ruler appears tobe red.

Step 3 : What pigments need tobe mixed to get red?
Red pigment is produced when magenta and yellow pigments
are mixed.

Example 10: Paint Colours


If cyan light shines ona dress that contains apigment that is capableof ab-
sorbing blue, what colour does the dress appear?


Step 1 : Determine the component colours of cyan light
Cyan light is made up of blue and green light.

Step 2 : Determine solution
If the dress absorbs theblue light then the green light must be
reflected, so the dress will appear green!
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