Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Chapter 10 — Summary

See the summary presentation ( Presentation: VPqyc at http://www.everythingscience.co.za)

  • Different colours of light correspond to different frequencies or wavelengths.

  • The wave equation c = fλ allows us to specify the relationship betweenfre-
    quency and wavelengthas c is a constant 3 × 108 m· s−^1.

  • The primary colours are red, green and blue,all other colours can beformed
    using combinations of these.

  • An object of a specificcolour actually reflects light of that colour. Pigments and
    paints are substances that absorb certain colours(frequencies) of light andreflect
    others to give an objecta specific colour.

  • Opaque objects or materials do not allow visible light to pass through them. You
    cannot see through them.

  • Transparent objects ormaterials do allow visible light to pass through.You can
    see through them.

Chapter 10 End of Chapter Exercises

  1. Calculate the wavelength of light which has afrequency of 570 × 1012

  2. Calculate the frequency of light which has a wavelength of 580 nm.

  3. Complete the following sentence: When white light is dispersed by a
    prism, light of the colour ... is refracted the most and light of colour
    ... is refracted the least.

  4. What are the two types of photoreceptor found in the retina of the
    human eye called and which type is sensitive tocolours?

  5. What colour do thefollowing shirts appearto the human eye when
    the lights in a room areturned off and the roomis completely dark?
    (a) red shirt
    (b) blue shirt
    (c) green shirt

  6. Two light bulbs, eachof a different colour, shine on a sheet of white
    paper. Each light bulb can be a primary colourof light - red, green,
    and blue. Depending on which primary colourof light is used, the
    paper will appear a different colour. What colour will the paper ap-
    pear if the lights are:
    (a) red and blue?
    (b) red and green?

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