Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


(c) green and blue?

  1. Match the primary colour of light on the left to its complementary
    colour on the right:
    Column A Column B
    red yellow
    green cyan
    blue magenta

  2. Which combinationof colours of light givesmagenta?
    A red and yellow
    B green and red
    C blue and cyan
    D blue and red

  3. Which combinationof colours of light givescyan?
    A yellow and red
    B green and blue
    C blue and magenta
    D blue and red

  4. If yellow light fallson an object whose pigment absorbs green light,
    what colour will the object appear?

  5. If yellow light falls on a blue pigment, whatcolour will it appear?

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(1.) 01i5 (2.) 01i6 (3.) 01i7 (4.) 01i8 (5.) 01i9 (6.) 01ia
(7.) 01ib (8.) 01ic (9.) 01id (10.) 01ie (11.) 01if
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