Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Chapter 12 — Summary

See the summary presentation ( Presentation: VPreb at http://www.everythingscience.co.za)

  • The momentum of a photon can be related tothe energy of the photon, p =Ec.

  • Combined with E =hcλ, a relationship betweenmomentum and wavelength is

  • De Broglie postulatedthat this relationship holds for all particles andany object
    has a de Broglie wavelength.

Chapter 12 End of Chapter Exercises

  1. If the following particles have the same velocity, which has the short-
    est wavelength: electron, hydrogen atom, lead atom?

  2. A bullet weighing 30g is fired at a velocity of 500 m· s−^1. What is its

  3. Calculate the wavelength of an electron which has a kinetic energy of

    1. 602 × 10 −^19 J.

  4. If the wavelength of an electron is 10 −^9 m what is its velocity?

  5. Considering how onecalculates wavelength using slits, try to explain
    why we would not beable to physically observe diffraction of the
    cricket ball in the first worked example.

More practice video solutions or help at http://www.everythingscience.co.za

(1.) 01it (2.) 01iu (3.) 01iv (4.) 01iw (5.) 01ix
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