Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


In an AC generator the two ends of the coil areeach attached to a slip ring that makes
contact with brushes asthe coil turns. The direction of the current changes with every
half turn of the coil. Asone side of the loop moves to the other pole ofthe magnetic
field, the current in theloop changes direction.The two slip rings of theAC generator
allow the coil to turn without breaking the connections to the load circuit. This type of
current which changes direction is known as alternating current.


AC generators are also
known as alternators.
They are found in mo-
tor cars to charge the car

DC generator ESCFS

A simple DC generatoris constructed the sameway as an AC generator except that
there is one slip ring which is split into two pieces, called a commutator, so the current
in the external circuit does not change direction.The layout of a DC generator is shown
in Figure 13.4. The split-ring commutator accommodates for the change in direction
of the current in the loop, thus creating direct current (DC) current going through the
brushes and out to the circuit.


split ring

brush brush


split ring commutator

Figure 13.4: Layout of adirect current generator.

The shape of the emf from a DC generator is shown in Figure 13.5. The emf is not
steady but is the absolute value of a sine/cosinewave.
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