Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. (IEB 2001/11 HG1) - Work, Energy and Power in Electric Circuits
    Mr. Smith read through the agreement with Eskom (the electricity
    provider). He found out that alternating current is supplied to his
    house at a frequency of50 Hz. He then consulted a book on electric
    current, and discoveredthat alternating currentmoves to and fro in
    the conductor. So he refused to pay his Eskom bill on the grounds that
    every electron that entered his house would leave his house again, so
    therefore Eskom had supplied him with nothing!

Was Mr. Smith correct?Or has he misunderstood something about
what he is paying for? Explain your answer briefly.

  1. What do we mean bythe following terms in electrodynamics?
    (a) inductance
    (b) reactance
    (c) solenoid
    (d) permeability

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(1.) 01iy (2.) 01iz (3.) 01j0 (4.) 01j1 (5.) 01j2 (6.) 01j3
(7.) 01j4
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