Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Z =

X^2 + R^2 =

53 , 052 + 30^2 = 60,9 Ω

Exercise 14 - 1

  1. Why is the instantaneous value ofVIof little use in an AC circuit containing an
    inductor or capacitor?

  2. How is the reactanceof an inductor differentto the reactance of a capacitor?

  3. Why can the ratio ofthe maximum voltage tothe maximum current ina circuit
    with a resistor and an inductor not be called a reactance?

  4. An engineer can describe a motor as equivalent to a 30 Ω resistor in series with
    a 30 mH inductor. If themaximum value of the supply voltage is 350 V,what is
    the maximum current? Assume that the frequency is 50 Hz.

  5. A timer circuit in a factory contains a 200 μF capacitor in series with a 10 kΩ
    resistor. What is its impedance? Assume that thefrequency is 50 Hz.

  6. A 3 mH inductor is connected in series witha 100 μF capacitor. The reactance
    of the combination is zero. What is the frequency of the alternating current?

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(1.) 01j5 (2.) 01j6 (3.) 01j7 (4.) 01j8 (5.) 01j9 (6.) 01ja

14.3 Filters and Signal Tuning ESCGC

Capacitors and Inductors as Filters ESCGD

We have already seen how capacitors and inductors pass current more easily at certain
frequencies than others. To recap: if we examine the equation for thereactance of
a capacitor, we see that the frequency is in the denominator. Therefore, when the
frequency is low, the capacitive reactance is very high. This is why a capacitor blocks
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