Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



The modulo of a counter tells you how manystages (or pulses) it re-
ceives before going back to 0 as its output. Thus a modulo 8 counter
counts in eight stages 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111, then
returns to 000 again.


If a counter containsn
flip flops, it will be a
modulo 2 ncounter. It
will count from 0 to 2 n−

Storing binary numbers ESCGP

Counting is important.However, it is equally important to be able toremember the
numbers. Computers can convert almost anything to a string of 0s and 1s, and therefore
to a binary number. Unless this number can bestored in the computer’smemory, the
computer would be useless.

The memory in the computer contains many parts. Each part is able tostore a single
0 or 1. Since 0 and 1 are the two binary digits, we say that each partof the memory
stores one bit.


One bit is a short way of saying one ‘binary digit’. It is a single 0 or 1.

To store a bit we needa circuit which can ‘remember’ a 0 or a 1. This is called a
bistable circuit because it has two stable states. It can stay indefinitely either as a0 or a

  1. An example of a bistable circuit is shown in Figure 14.23. It is made from two NOR

To store the 0 or the 1 in the bistable circuit, you set one of the inputsto 1, then put
it back to 0 again. If the input labelled ‘S’ (set)is raised, the output will immediately
become 1. This is shown in Figure 14.24.

To store a 0, you raise the ‘R’ (reset) input to 1. This is shown in Figure 14.25.

Once you have used theS or R inputs to set or reset the bistable circuit, you then bring
both inputs back to 0. The bistable ‘remembers’ the state. Because ofthe ease with
which the circuit can beReset and Set it is also called an RS flip flop circuit.

Computer memory canstore millions or billions of bits. If it used ourcircuit above,
it would need millionsor billions of NOR gates, each of which is made from several
transistors. Computer memory is made of manymillions of transistors.

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