Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




Figure 14.25: The output of a bistable circuit is reset (made 0) by raising the‘R’ input
to 1. Wires carrying high logic levels (1) are shown with thicker lines.

  1. Draw a circuit diagram for a bistable circuit (RS flip flop). Make three extra copies
    of your diagram. On thefirst diagram, colour inthe wires which will carry high
    voltage levels (digital 1) if the R input is low,and the S input is high. On the
    second diagram, colourin the wires which carryhigh voltage levels if theS input
    of the first circuit is nowmade low. On the thirddiagram, colour in thewires
    which carry high voltage levels if the R input is now made high. Onthe final
    diagram, colour in thewires carrying high voltage levels if the R input is now
    made low again.

  2. Justify the statement:a modern computer contains millions of transistors.

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(1.) 01ka (2.) 01kb (3.) 01kc (4.) 01kd (5.) 01ke (6.) 01kf
(7.) 01kg

Chapter 14 — Summary

See the summary presentation ( Presentation: VPrwa at http://www.everythingscience.co.za)

  • The current in a circuitleads the voltage on a capacitor in the circuit in phase by
    90 o.

  • The instantaneous value ofVRchanges but capacitive reactance, which is the ratio
    of the maximum values,is useful, XC.

  • The current in a circuitlags the voltage on an inductor in the circuit in phase by
    90 o.

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