Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. Draw the symbols for the five logic gates, and write down their truth

  2. Draw a circuit diagram with an AND gate. Each input should be
    connected to the output of a separate NOT gate. By writing truth
    tables show that this whole circuit behaves as aNOR gate.

  3. Convert the denarynumber 99 into binary.

  4. Convert the binarynumber 11100111 intodenary.

  5. Explain how threeT flip flops can be connected together to makea
    modulo 8 counter. What is the highest number it can count up to?

  6. Draw the circuit diagram for an RS flip flop(bistable) using two NOR

  7. Show how the circuit you have just drawn can have a stable outputof
    0 or 1 when both inputsare 0.

  8. Operational (and other) amplifiers, logic gates, and flip flops all con-
    tain transistors, and would not work without them. Write a short
    newspaper article for anintelligent reader who knows nothing about
    electronics. Explain howimportant transistors arein modern society.

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(1.) 01kh (2.) 01ki (3.) 01kj (4.) 01kk (5.) 01km (6.) 01kn
(7.) 01kp (8.) 01kq (9.) 01kr (10.) 01ks (11.) 01kt (12.) 01ku
(13.) 01kv (14.) 01kw (15.) 01kx (16.) 01ky (17.) 01kz (18.) 01m0
(19.) 01m1
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