Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


c = fλ
3 × 108 = f× 200 × 10 −^9
f = 1. 5 × 1015 Hz

Examples of some usesof electromagnetic waves are shown in Table 15.2.

Table 15.2: Uses of EMwaves
Category Uses
gamma rays used to kill the bacteriain marshmal-
lows and to sterilise medical equip-
X-rays used to image bone structures
ultraviolet light bees can see into the ultraviolet be-
cause flowers stand outmore clearly
at this frequency
visible light used by humans to observe the world
infrared night vision, heat sensors, laser metal
microwave microwave ovens, radar
radio waves radio, television broadcasts

In theory the spectrumis infinite, although realistically we can only observe wave-
lengths from a few hundred kilometres to those of gamma rays due toexperimental

Humans experience electromagnetic waves differently depending on their wavelength.
Our eyes are sensitive tovisible light while our skin is sensitive to infrared, and many
wavelengths we do notdetect at all.

Exercise 15 - 3

  1. Arrange the following types of EM radiationin order of increasing frequency:
    infrared, X-rays, ultraviolet, visible, gamma.

  2. Calculate the frequency of an EM wave with awavelength of 400 nm.

  3. Give an example ofthe use of each type ofEM radiation: gamma rays, X-rays,
    ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared, microwave and radio and TV waves.

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(1.) 01m8 (2.) 01m9 (3.) 01ma
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