Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Determining velocitiesof galaxies using spectroscopy

You have already learntin Chapter 9 about the Doppler effect and how the frequency
(and wavelength) of sound waves changes depending on whether the object emitting
the sound is moving towards or away from you. The same thing happens to electro-
magnetic radiation (light). If the object emittingthe light is moving towards us, then
the wavelength of the light appears shorter (called blue-shifted). If the object is moving
away from us, then the wavelength of its light appearsstretched out (called red-shifted).

The Doppler effect affects the spectra of objects in space depending on their motion
relative to us on the earth. For example, the light from a distant galaxy, which is moving
away from us at some velocity, will appear red-shifted. This means that the emission
and absorption lines inthe galaxy’s spectrum will be shifted to a longer wavelength
(lower frequency). Knowing where each line in the spectrum wouldnormally be if
the galaxy was not moving, and comparing totheir red-shifted positions, allows as-
tronomers to precisely measure the velocity of the galaxy relative to the earth!

Global warming and greenhouse gases

The sun emits radiation(light) over a range of wavelengths which are mainly in the
visible part of the spectrum. Radiation at thesewavelengths passes through the gases
of the atmosphere to warm the land and the oceans below. The warm earth then
radiates this heat at longer infrared wavelengths. Carbon-dioxide (oneof the main
greenhouse gases) in theatmosphere has energy levels which correspondto the infrared
wavelengths which allowit to absorb the infrared radiation. It then also emits at infrared
wavelengths in all directions. This effect stops alarge amount of the infrared radiation
getting out of the atmosphere, which causes theatmosphere and the earth to heat up.
More radiation is coming in than is getting backout.

earth radiates long wavelength infrared radiation

the sun emits short wavelength radiation
which penetrates the atmosphere

CO 2 molecules absorb and re-emit
the infrared radiation inall directions
heating the atmosphere

Therefore increasing theamount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphereincreases the
amount of trapped infrared radiation and therefore the overall temperature of the earth.
The earth is a very sensitive and complicatedsystem upon which lifedepends and
changing the delicate balances of temperatureand atmospheric gas content may have
disastrous consequences if we are not careful.

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