Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Activity: The greenhouse effect

In pairs try to find thefollowing information (e.g. in books, on the Internet)
and report back to theclass in a 5 minute presentation which includes the

  1. What other gases besides carbon dioxide are responsible for the green-
    house effect?

  2. Where do greenhouse gases come from? (arethey human-made or natu-

  3. Investigate one serious side-effect which could arise if the earth’s temper-
    ature were to go up significantly. Present someways in which this effect
    could be avoided.

Exercise 16 - 3

  1. Explain how atomicemission spectra arise and how they relate to each element
    on the periodic table.

  2. How do the lines onthe atomic spectrum relate to electron transitions between
    energy levels?

  3. Explain the difference between atomic absorption and emission spectra.

  4. Describe how the absorption and emission spectra of the gases in the atmosphere
    give rise to the Greenhouse Effect.

  5. Using table 16.2 calculate the frequency range for yellow light.

  6. What colour is the light emitted by hydrogenwhen an electron makes the tran-
    sition from energy level5 down to energy level2? (Use figure 16.5 to find the
    energy of the released photon.)

  7. I have a glass tube filled with hydrogen gas.I shine white light ontothe tube.
    The spectrum I then measure has an absorptionline at a wavelength of 474 nm.
    Between which two energy levels did the transition occur? (Use figure16.5 in
    solving the problem.)

More practice video solutions or help at http://www.everythingscience.co.za

(1.) 01mu (2.) 01mv (3.) 01mw (4.) 01mx (5.) 01my (6.) 01mz
(7.) 01n0
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