Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Activity: Uses of lasers

Do research in a libraryor on the Internet on one application of laser tech-
nology. Explain how thetechnology works by using a laser.
You will need to present your findings to the class in the form of a poster. You
can think of any usefulapplication, but to giveyou some ideas of where to
start, some applicationsare listed below:

  • laser printers

  • laser communication and fibre optics

  • optical storage

  • using lasers as precision measurement tools

  • your own ideas...

Exercise 16 - 4

  1. Explain what is meant by spontaneous emission of radiation.

  2. Explain what is meant by stimulated emission ofradiation.

  3. List the similarities and differences betweenspontaneous emission of radiation
    and stimulated emissionof radiation.

  4. How is the light emitted by a laser different from the light emitted bya light bulb?

  5. Describe using a simple diagram, how a laser works. Your description should
    include the following concepts: metastable stateand population inversion.

  6. Give examples of some materials that havebeen used for lasers. What do all
    these materials have in common?

  7. Describe how the laser cavity affects:

    • increasing amplification

    • concentrating beam intensity

    • narrowing the frequency of the beam

  8. List some applications of lasers.

More practice video solutions or help at http://www.everythingscience.co.za

(1.) 01n1 (2.) 01n2 (3.) 01n3 (4.) 01n4 (5.) 01n5 (6.) 01n6
(7.) 01n7 (8.) 01n8
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