Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Chapter 16 — Summary

See the summary presentation ( Presentation: VPqph at http://www.everythingscience.co.za)

  • Light of the correct frequency can eject electrons from a metal. This is called the
    photoelectric effect.

  • A metal has a work function which is the minimum energy needed toemit an
    electron from the metal.

  • Emission spectra are formed by glowing gases. The pattern of the spectra is
    characteristic of the specific gas.

  • Absorption spectra areformed when certain frequencies of light are absorbed by
    a material.

  • Lasers are devices thatproduce a special type of light that has many uses.

  • Lasers have many uses,for example, in CD andDVD players, to cut material, in
    surgery, in printing, in telecommunications and as laser pointers.

Chapter 16 End of Chapter Exercises

  1. What is the photoelectric effect?

  2. Calculate the energyof a photon of red light with a wavelength of
    400 nm.

  3. Will ultraviolet lightwith a wavelength of 990 nm be able to emit
    electrons from a sheet of calcium with a work function of 2,9 eV?

  4. What does the acronym LASER stand for?

  5. Name three types oflasers and their uses.

  6. Write a short essay onthe benefits lasers have had on modern society.

More practice video solutions or help at http://www.everythingscience.co.za

(1.) 01n9 (2.) 01na (3.) 01nb (4.) 01nc (5.) 01nd (6.) 01ne
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