Everything Science Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Step 2 : Find the longest carbonchain
There are four carbonsin the longest chain. The prefix for this
compound will be ’butan’.

Step 3 : Number the carbons inthe carbon chain
The carbons will be numbered from left to right sothat the two hy-
droxyl groups are attached to carbon atoms withthe lowest num-

Step 4 : Look for any branchedgroups, name them andgive their posi-
tion on the carbon chain.
There are no branchedgroups in this compound, but you still
need to indicate the position of the hydroxyl groups on the first
and second carbon atoms. The suffix will therefore become 1,2-

Step 5 : Combine the elements of the compound’s name into a single
word in the order of branched groups; prefix; name ending according to
the functional group.
The compound’s nameis butan-1,2-diol.

Exercise 1 - 8

  1. Give the structural formula of each of the following organic compounds:

(a) pentan-3-ol
(b) butan-2,3-diol

(c) 2-methyl-propanol

  1. Give the IUPAC name for each of the following:

(a) CH 3 CH 2 CH(OH)CH 3


CH 3 C



CH 2 CH 2 CH 3

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(1.) 01p1 (2.) 01p2
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