
(avery) #1




ou say ‘Touch’, and your dog touches
the l at of your hand with his nose.
Apart from being a neat trick you
can show of , this little exercise can stop
your dog from running of or becoming
distracted. It’s a great way to get your dog
to face you; place your hand anywhere and
your dog will orientate towards it. It also
teaches your dog that hands predict good
things —not collar grabs!
Start the exercise with a treat or piece of
your dog’s dry food between your i ngers. As
your dog snif s at it, he will touch your hand.
Say ‘Good’ the second you feel his nose, and
then reward him with a piece of food from
the other hand. Practise a few times and then
you can stop using the food prompt (but you
must still reward him).
When do you add the cue word ‘Touch’?
Get the actions right i rst and then add
the word when you know it’s going to be
successful. Your smart dog will soon pair up
the word with the action — that’s training.
Have fun!


A step-by-step video guide by dog trainer Tony Cruse.

Teach your dog the

hand touch game

40 Tony.indd 67 02/04/2019 10:38

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