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up trouble!


64 Your Dog May 2019


A taste for

cat poo


I have a Yorkshire
Terrier; when
he goes into the
garden and someone’s
cat has been using it as
a toilet, he will try to eat the poo if I am not
quick. If I catch him, he will spit it out when
I tell him to, but the other day I didn’t see
him, and he brought up a large amount of
cat poo and soil in the house. Why does he do
this and is there any way I can stop him? 
Linda Ashcroft, by email.

Tony says: It is thought that some
dogs eat faeces because they are
lacking something in their diet, or it
may be that hunger is driving
the behaviour. Regardless, dogs clearly fi nd it
palatable, while we certainly do not. If this is
a regular habit, he will need to be wormed
regularly as old faeces can contain parasites.
If you catch him in the act, you can use your
‘Spit’ cue, but be sure to reward him afterwards
with a tasty treat. This means that next time you
say ‘Spit’, he will be more likely to drop it and seek
out your treat.
Ensure that your Yorkie is on a quality food
and is in good health. Also, don’t allow him into
the garden if he is hungry. If you can’t stop the
cat from using your garden as a toilet, the best
method is prevention. Before allowing your dog
out to do his business, perform a visual check and
pick up any cat poo you may fi nd. And, for a while,
walk him into the garden on his lead. If he looks
like he has spotted any poo, using the lead, gently
guide him away to another part of the garden.
Prevention should help break the habit.


How do I stop my dogs from digging up the garden and making a mess?
Whenever they go out, they snif about and then start in the l ower beds
(they are both terrier-crosses). How do I go about preventing my l ower
beds becoming full of holes?
Marion Latimer, Midlothian.

Some dogs love to dig.

Many dogs i nd cat
poo irresistible!
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