
(avery) #1


In conclusion then, and without wantingtosound
too negative, it would appear that a lotoftheearly
conservation efforts made in this partoftheworld
have come to nought! Around the turnofthiscentury
a ‘Bushveld National Park’ was even proposed!It was
planned to extend all the way from Madikwethrough
Atherstone, Thaba Tholo, Marakele, Welgevonden
and on to Lapalala but nothing evercameofthis
initiative and the concept was shelvedin favourofa
‘Heritage Park’ linking Madikwe to Pilanesberg.
15 years later this hasn’t gotten off thegroundeither
and is frankly now unlikely to ever see thelightofday!
Apart from a lot of talk large amounts ofmoneyhave
been spent on one survey/proposal afteranotherbut
nothing concrete has ever materialised.


I have drawn extensively from the following two publications in the
writing of this article and acknowledge them as follows:

  1. Pauw J.C. 1988. Riglyne vir die bestuur van die natuurlewe in
    die bosveldgemeenskappe van die Atherstone natuurreservaat
    in die Noordwes Transvaal MSc Thesis. University of Pretoria,

  2. Reserve Management Documents: Atherstone Nature Reserve
    (Strategic Plan) NCC Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd.2013.
    References: (A) The Wild Sports of Southern Africa,
    4th edition,1844.

One opportunity after another has been
squandered and once again it has been left up to
the private sector to forge ahead in isolation! Q

For more information, contact John Mackie:
[email protected]

White rhinoceros or square-lipped rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum).

One opportunity

after another has


and once again it

has been left up to

the private sector

to forge ahead in


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