
(avery) #1
Faansie has divided the bird
kingdom into sensible groups
based on their behaviour (plungers,
swimmers, walkers, sleepers,
runners, perchers, suckers, etc).
This classification gives you a taste
of his hilarious style, which hooks
you and drags you willingly into his
wonderful world of birds. Each bird
section provides clearly outlined
diagrams to help teach beginners
how to recognise bird shapes
and their main patterns. The bird
diagrams illustrate the main features
of each bird species.
The species pages provide
interesting facts, anecdotes,
comments, quiz clues and images
the author has tucked away for
a game of hide-and-seek. These
added features will keep kids busy
long after the birding day is over.

Sparrow-weavers are called koringvoëls in Afrikaans because their nests look like balls of
wheat stuck in trees. They usually place their nests on the western side of a tree.

Interesting fact
Don’t know how to start?
Well, “Getting Started” will
tell you what you need
(preferably his book), how
to make birding friends, find
birding places and how to make
sense of the habitats of South
Africa. There’s a list of “Bird
Words” to help understand
the lexicon of birders, like
‘megatick’ and that
all-time favourite, ‘jizz’
(general identifying
shape and size, GSS).

biodiversity | book review

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