
(avery) #1


If your pet is most like this Jack
Russell terrier, one thing is for sure:
Heloves you a lot! When you’re
not around, he spends most of
his time missing you and planning
what you two will do when you’re
together next. He also tends to get
separation anxiety, and it’s clear he
gets jealous when he doesn’t have
all of your attention. So make sure
you show him lots of affection!


Like Gidget, your pet is bubbly,
and she cares deeply for you and
any other animals in your lives.
But secretly, there’s much more
to her than that. Though she may
not look like it, there’s a tough side
to her personality. Her protective
instincts kick in whenever
someone threatens or hurts the
people she cares about. Yep,
you’re lucky she’s on your side!


If your pet is just like this blue
tabby, there are a few things we
can tell you about her! The first
thing is that she’s a little on the
lazy size when you aren’t there to
keep an eye on her. She also uses
time alone in the house to sneak
some extra snacks. And if you
think she’s always joking around
with you, you’re probably right!
She has a wicked sense of humor.



Discover what

is like!
Secret Life
of Pets 2
hits theaters
June 7!
Free download pdf