php[architect] November 2018

(singke) #1
12 \ November 2018 \

Maintaining Laravel Applications

this is additional code you will need
to maintain. While custom code and
packages indeed have their place, you
may be surprised how little code you
have to write to use or customize pretty
advanced features.
Here are a few features developers
seem to overlook.

Many applications do inline form
validation within controller actions.
While recent versions of Laravel make
this easy to do using $request->vali-
date() it can clutter code. Laravel 5.
introduced FormRequest objects which
encapsulate all of the logic around
request validation. These can help keep
your controller actions clean by sepa-
rating this responsibility.

Another relatively large amount of
code in controller actions relates to
generating the response. Laravel 5.
introduced the Responsable interface.
Any class which implements this inter-
face can be returned, and Laravel will
use its toResponse method to generate
a response. Another way to keep your
code clean or replace functionality
previously provided by a package.

Event-driven design is reemerging
with paradigms like CQRS. Laravel
has supported events since version 5.0.
However, not many applications are
using them. While using events within
your application may increase complex-
ity, they are nonetheless an easy way to
communicate between objects. You will
need to weigh the cost versus benefits
for your application, but if you find
yourself performing blocks of different
logic in one place because that’s where
the action occurs, events may provide
a way to separate those responsibilities.

Scheduled Tasks
Similar to events, commands have
been available since Laravel 4. They
received an overhaul in Laravel 5 to
allow for the scheduling of these tasks.
Instead of running multiple separate

cron jobs, you can run one cron job for
the Laravel scheduler. I still see so many
applications with various cron jobs
for scripts with odd ways to hook into
Laravel. Creating a console command
and scheduling it within Laravel keeps
all your application logic in one place.

Staying Current
Analytics from Shift show Laravel
5.3 is the most popular version. A lot
of applications get stuck on Laravel 5.
because of PHP version requirements,
conversion to Dusk, and changes in
Auth components. However, we have to
remember, Shift is an upgrade service.
So while this indicates Laravel 5.3 is
popular in the wild, it equally indi-
cates applications are being upgraded.
As such, Laravel 5.5 is likely the most
popular version.
All projects should run the latest,
stable version of Laravel.
Many believe as the creator of Shift I
am biased. Sure, maybe a little. But this
advice comes from analytics, commu-
nity discussion, and conversations
with Taylor Otwell. It’s not an effort
to sell another Shift. It doesn’t matter
to me how you upgrade, just that you
do upgrade. Here are a few things to
consider when staying current.

Refreshing Refactor
Too often when it’s time to upgrade
Laravel developers simply run composer
update. This may work for a few versions.
But each time you do this you’re accu-
mulating technical debt. Sooner or later
that debt stacks up enough, and you’ll
end up paying more. As a result, I see a
lot of developers go the route of copy-
ing and pasting their code from the old
application into a new Laravel applica-
tion running the latest version.
Even fewer developers go through
the Upgrade Guide^6 and perform all
changes related to the new version. This
is actually one of the reasons Shift is so
successful. Not only does it apply the
changes required between each version,
but also the recommended changes.

6 Upgrade Guide:

It will even warn about deprecations
and make suggestions for using new
The goal of any upgrade should be to
make your application look as though
it was created using that version. This
not only eliminates all technical debt
but allows you to use the latest features
of the framework freely. Next time you
upgrade your Laravel application take
the time to review your application for
opportunities to refactor code. You may
find large amounts of code or packages
used previously that are now available
within the framework.

LTS is a Trap
Laravel offers a Long Term Support
(LTS) version. LTS versions receive bug
fixes for two years and security fixes for
three years. Currently, there are two
LTS versions: Laravel 5.1 and Laravel
5.5. While this appeals to developers
who may see this as a mark of stability,
it’s a trap.
LTS was adopted by Laravel simply to
follow suit with other frameworks. The
theory is, by offering this support the
framework might appeal to enterprise.
But this creates a rob Peter to pay Paul
scenario. In offering this support to
increase adoption, you’re also increas-
ing drag on not only the application
but the community because you’re
diverting resources away from the latest
Once you lock your application into
this LTS version, you’re committing to
staying behind the latest version. This
means you’re willingly taking on tech-
nical debt. Every passing version means
more outdated code, less compatibility,
and potential rework to implement new

Lumen is Dead
Lumen is dying, if not already dead.
I actually wrote “Lumen is dead, long
live Lumen”^7 at the beginning of 2017.
Despite the stubborn haters, each of
my premises continues to be validated.
Google Trends, as well as Packagist,
demonstrate a decline in adoption.
7 “Lumen is dead, long live Lumen”:
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