php[architect] November 2018

(singke) #1

14 \ November 2018 \


How to Knock Down Any Project in Ten Steps

Paweł Lewtak

In this article, I’ve collected my experience with failing IT projects along with some
real-life examples and observations. Hopefully, you’ll learn from my mistakes, so
you don’t have to repeat them.

Imagine working as a team member
on an IT project; you have a common
goal, and you want to succeed. You
might wonder why anyone might want
a project to fail. Why would someone
sabotage it? I don’t have the slightest
idea. When we start a new project,
we have the best intentions. We want
to use the latest technology and the
experience gained from previous proj-
ects—make the software perfect, and
the customer satisfied. If we learn
something new along the way, it’s a
bonus. Nobody approaches such proj-
ects with the intention of writing bad
code or creating legacy projects others
will be afraid of working on later. And,
yet, it happens much more often than
we would be willing to admit.
I don’t want you to fear IT projects,
quite the contrary. I hope you will
use this knowledge to avoid the most
common mistakes programmers make
and resolve issues before they spiral out
of control.

  1. Lack of Planning

Weeks of programming can save
you hours of planning.

  • unknown

Let’s start from the beginning. Your
boss assigns you the new project.
Maybe it will be a long-term project or
a microservice. Regardless of the type
or size of the project, there are two
approaches you can choose.
In the first case, we start writing the
code right away. Regardless of the prob-
lem, we have an idea in the back of our
head for a technological stack. Maybe
it’s something we’re already familiar
with or a set of new tools we haven’t

used yet, but we want to. Regardless, we
start to write the code on the first day.
It’s a great way to lose some time and
create code that may not be suitable for
anything. Sooner rather than later, the
moment will come when you will ask
yourself the question: what did I actu-
ally implement?
And this is the second possible way:
we try to understand the problem and
answer the question of what our appli-
cation should do and what problem it
should solve. Only when we know the
answer can we go to the question of
how to do it. The technology should
be adjusted to the problem, but not the
other way round.
This is one of the most common
mistakes and at the same time the
one that can have the most significant
impact on the success of the project. We
often want to start writing code without
fully planning or understanding the
requirements. Before writing the first
line of code we should understand the
problem we are trying to solve.
Example. We have a simple task: add
one field to the API response. It seems
simple, so we get down to implementa-
tion. It turns out the returned value is
the result of certain business logic. This
logic is slightly different depending
on which version of the API is being
discussed. Without asking basic ques-
tions, it turned out that the work that
was to take an hour and touch two to
three files ended in two days of work
and a dozen or so changed files. Imag-
ine what would happen with a larger
scale of changes.
Even if we already know what we
want to do and how we want to do it,
it is worth it to verify this knowledge
regularly. As Heraclitus said, “the only

constant in life is a change.” It applies to
IT projects as well as to life in general.

  1. Inaccurate Estimations

Prediction is difficult, especially
when dealing with the future

–Danish Proverb

The second topic that appears at
the beginning of each project is esti-
mation. This is also the second place
where many mistakes are made, which
can contribute to the failure of the
project. Developers are often uninter-
ested in estimations. A popular saying
among them is “it will be ready when
it’s readyn” However, from a business
point of view, you cannot decide to
invest time and money in a project if
you do not know the estimated cost of
such a project. This can delay the start
of a project significantly. If we do not
know how much the work will cost and
what we will have in terms of software
delivered, no one will want to start
developing such a product.
As developers, we will only think of
a “happy path.” We have the informa-
tion handed to us on a tray; everything
seems clear. We assume that there
will be no errors, everything will be
checked earlier on the test environ-
ment. A mid-level developer, who
is passionate about technology, can
carry out the tasks entrusted to them
on their own. They are responsible,
competent, productive, but also too
optimistic. Such a person will always
underestimate the estimates because
they don’t have enough experience to
know what can go wrong. This leads
to underestimation of tasks. And an
underestimated project is a project that
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