php[architect] November 2018

(singke) #1
24 \ November 2018 \

The Dev Lead Trenches

The Talk

Chris Tankersley

About the only thing that makes me upset as a lead developer is people that do
not play ball. I am completely for questioning authority, asking questions about
workflows, and having ideas on making what we do work for everyone, but it really
bugs me when someone doesn’t even try to work with the team.

I have spent the last year and a half
sharing my workflows, my ideas on
how to run a team, and other topics
when it comes to making sure your
team is working well. I am not pulling
these ideas out of thin air just for the
sake of a column, but base these notes,
tips, and tricks on what I have come up
with other the last five years I have been
a team lead.
There will come a time when you are
going to have to have The Talk—the
talk where you have to explain to some-
one (or a group of people) that there is
a rhyme and a reason for the way you,
as the lead developer, have laid things
out. Whether they like it or not, your
company has hired you to run the team,
and you are responsible for the output
of the team. If something is not work-
ing, you need to fix it.
The Talk is never a fun talk. I am the
kind of manager I want to have. I do not
like to micro-manage people because
we are all adults, and we should be able
to manage our time. If you are a junior
developer on my team, it is expected
that you will need more hand-holding
on different things, but as developers
move up the ladder, I expect more out
of them. If you want to be a mid or
senior developer, you need to act like it.

Before The Talk
I try not to assume people are specif-
ically going out of their way to do a bad
job. Coming up with a workflow for a
team is a balancing act, and everyone’s
input should be taken into consider-
ation. A good leader listens to their
team, with the understanding everyone
is working toward the same goal. You
need to balance letting everyone work

the way they want with making sure
you can keep track of progress and
communicate effectively.
When you have someone on your
team who’s not pulling their weight,
outwardly or passively ignoring estab-
lished workflows, or not doing the work
they are assigned, the first thing is to
find out why. Last month I wrote about
burnout, and that can be a very real
possibility. Maybe they have been stuck
working on maintenance tickets and
want to do something new. Maybe they
are working with a technology stack
that is just not in their wheelhouse. It
could be something at home.

Find the Root Cause
First, find out what the real issue
is. Talk to the coworker and see if you
can find out what’s going on. It will
only breed resentment on the team if
you immediately go on the offensive
and start threatening people. I know
if a manager were that way with me, I
would start looking for a new job.

Take a Break
Take a mental health day. Sometimes
all someone needs is a day to recharge
their batteries, especially in the startup
pace that many companies foster. If
they have not had a vacation in a while,
have the person take some time off. It
may be as simple as just moving them
to a new area of the code to get them
out of the rut they are in.

Ask for Feedback
If it is an issue with the workflows
themselves, try and get feedback. I
regularly let my team know to come to
me with any complaints about things. I

recently introduced a new rule that all
pull requests will need to have docu-
mentation and tests, which can be both
unit tests and integration or behavioral
tests. I made this a formal rule because
we have been having quality issues
recently, and I also want to reduce “my
code” syndrome.
This is a change to our workflow, but
not a major one. I will fully work with
my team to make sure it is followed
before needing to feel the need to
punish anyone for not following the
rules. That being said, I would expect
everyone to remember this new rule
after a short while. If I get a pull request
in three months without any documen-
tation, I will be less forgiving then than
I am right now.

Write It Down
When you start to notice a pattern
and are worried a coworker may need
something more forceful, start to docu-
ment these talks. I hate to say this, but
part of it is for the Cover Your Ass
portion of this job, but also because you
want evidence of things getting better
or worse. Your employee handbook, or
even Human Resources, should be able
to help determine what you may need
to do. If things start to get better, that
can easily turn into examples of how
they are doing better.

Having The Talk
If you have tried to work with the
problematic coworker and nothing is
working, you need to talk about their
performance. This talk is intended
to make it known that the cowork-
er’s actions are no longer tolerated.
It’s a direct acknowledgment their
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