Analysis and Design of a Modern SCADA System

(fajer) #1


List of Tables
Table Contents Page


Table of IEEE recommended distances for networking

2.1 (^) Ethernet
2 .2 The TIA/EIA Cable Loss Estimations 20
3.1 The GPS location of 20 and their distances from subthe stations on Nineveh city map central station (Mosul400) 33

  1. 2 Table of recommended distances for networking Ethernet 40
    3.3 The TIA/EIA Cable Loss Estimates 41

3.4 Tsensitivity of someransmitter’s power and receiving port's minimum standard fiber products specifications 42

3.5 Concepts of objects used in Network Model 46

3.6 (^) each substation Signals name, type and numbers of bits represented for and its feeder 47
3.7 Numbertransmitted data bits from each substation^ of Feeders and Transformers, and number of 48
3.8 Links throughput of the simulation network 50
3.9 The distances and calculated transmission power values between each node and next hop.and sensitivity^63
3.10 Simulation results after simulation 66
4.1 National Instruments PCI-6251 DAQ Specifications 70

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