Time - USA (2020-11-30)

(Antfer) #1

6 Time November 30/December 7, 2020

T I M E ( I S S N 0 0 4 0 - 7 8 1 X ) i s p u b l i s h e d w e e k l y, e x c e p t f o r o n e w e e k i n F e b r u a r y, A p r i l , M a y a n d N o v e m b e r ; t w o w e e k s i n J a n u a r y, M a r c h , J u n e , J u l y, A u g u s t , O c t o b e r a n d D e c e m b e r ; a n d t h r e e w e e k s i n S e p t e m b e r, d u e t o c o m b i n e d
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by Sean Freeman
and Eve Steben
for TIME

8 | Conversation

10 | For the Record

The Brief

News from the U.S.
and around the world

13 | Georgia at

the center of the

political universe

19 | The failure of

contact- tracing

apps in the U.S.

24 | Milestones:

SpaceX, and MLB’s

first female GM

26 | TIME with ...

Craig Foster

28 | Postcard from

reopened Hawaii

30 | Hunger in

The View
Ideas, opinion,

35 | David French
on who can stop

37 | Ian Bremmer on
Biden’s uncertain

37 | What’s missing
in the new Spider-
Man video game

38 | Nicole Chung
on grieving without
the help of ritual

Time Off
What to watch, read,
see and do

109 | The 100 must-
read books of 2020
include Brit Bennett’s
The Vanishing Half,
Hilary Mantel’s
The Mirror &
the Light, Isabel
Wilkerson’s Caste,
Cathy Park Hong’s
Minor Feelings, and
The Dead Are Arising
by Les Payne and
Tamara Payne

118 | 6 Questions for
Riz Ahmed


Be Clear on the
Present Danger
The third wave of COVID-19 is the
worst By Jamie Ducharme 40
Doctor burnout By Tara Law 46
Vaccines explained By Alice Park 48
Rapid testing could stop the spread
by Christmas By Michael Mina 50

Lost in the Pandemic
A New York woman’s lonely journey
to an unmarked grave
By W.J. Hennigan 52

Pop-Star Populist
Bobi Wine’s risky campaign to oust
Uganda’s strongman
By Aryn Baker 62

Best Inventions 2020
A smarter beehive, a hydrogen
airplane and more 69

VOL. 19 6, NOS. 20–21 | 2020

Cars line up at a
Houston Food Bank
distribution at George
Bush Intercontinental
Airport on Nov. 17

Photograph by
Meridith Kohut for

Photographs by
Jessica Pettway
for TIME


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