Digital Photographer - USA (2019-07)

(Antfer) #1

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More about

LeighKeilyisan Australian celebrity portrait
andentertainment photographer based
betweenLondon and Los Angeles. He
studiedatCentral Saint Martins and the
LondonCollege of Fashion. His portraits
werebroughtto a global audience with
hisrecentPrince William for Attitude
magazineshoot. Highly sought-after to
photographcelebrities, his recent work
includesViggo Mortensen, Andy Cohen,
JamesCorden, Gordon Ramsay, the cast of
QueerEye,Russell Brand, Steve Aoki, Nicola
Formichetti,Ant and Dec, Nobu, Jeremy
PivenandLiam Payne. His entertainment
workconsistsof key art, promotional, and
shortvideo/moving billboard work for the
BBC,Channel4, Comedy Central and MTV.
Hisvideobillboards have featured on the
bigscreensatPicadilly Circus and Waterloo
stations.Leigh is also the co-founder and
editorofquarterly specialist men’s magazine
JÓN,whichisavailable worldwide featuring
Leigh’sinterviews and photographs, and
contributingphotographers from all around
theworld.Healso teaches photography
atCentralSaint Martins and the London
CollegeofFashion. Leigh has written a
textbook,Photographing Fashion, published
byCrowoodPress and available on Amazon,
andiscurrently writing his second title.DP

Coiniciding with
the release of
Green Book, this
was for the last
ever print edition
of ShortList

Russell Brand
A relatively
simple image in
terms of lighting,
captured as part
of a campaign for
Roast Battle UK

go pro

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