Speed Math for Kids Achieve Their Full Potential

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


If you would like to learn more of my methods then I would recommend you buy my book Speed
Mathematics. It has many more mathematical strategies not included in this book.
This book was written to explain the way I do maths. These are the methods I have developed and
worked with over the years — some I was taught, some I worked out for myself. I have never looked at
these methods as a series of shortcuts. I often ask the question in my books and in classes, how should I
subtract 9 from 56? How do I solve it? It depends on the mood I am in at the time. Sometimes I use one
method; at other times I will use another. There is usually more than one way to get to the answer.
If you want to make the most of this book, use what you have learnt. Put what you have learnt into


People equate mathematical ability with intelligence. Use the methods you have learnt in this book and
people — your parents, teachers, classmates and friends — will treat you like you are highly intelligent.
You will get a reputation for being smart. That can only be good. Also, it is a fact that if people treat you
as intelligent you are more likely to act more intelligently. You are likely to tackle more difficult
So, use the methods. Make them part of your life, part of the way you think. Putting this book into
practice can change the direction of your whole life.


Teach these methods in the classroom and you will have high-achieving students and will yourself
become a high-achieving and successful teacher. All of your students will succeed. Your class will not
only perform better but they will also have a better understanding of mathematical principles. You will
teach more in less time and have a highly motivated class. A highly motivated class is better behaved
and will improve everyone’s enjoyment of your classes. Every class will become an adventure.
Everyone benefits.


Encourage your children to learn these methods. Encourage them to play with the methods. Let them
show off what they can do. Never be critical of your children when they make a mistake or seem to be
slow learning something. Keep telling your children they will succeed. Let them know you support
them. Take their mistakes or lack of success as a challenge. Ask what you can do to make this easier.
Don’t compare your child with a brother or sister, or anyone else. Compare your child’s performance
with what he or she did in the past. Look at the improvement.
Some children in my classes come in thinking they are ‘dumb’. Their self-esteem is low. These
methods are an effective way to boost their self-esteem. You will find that as your children improve
their performance in maths, it will have a flow-on effect. They will improve in other areas as well.

Classes and Training Programs

I have conducted classes and training programs around the world. I have produced material for teachers
and parents to help them to teach these methods in the classroom and in the home. I often speak to

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