Speed Math for Kids Achieve Their Full Potential

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Appendix C


When you know your multiplication tables up to the 5 times table you can multiply most problems in
your head. If you know your 2, 3, 4 and 5 times tables up to 10 times each number, then you also know
part of your 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables. For the 6 times table you know 2 times 6, 3 times 6, 4 times 6,
and 5 times 6. The same applies to the 7, 8 and 9 times tables. As you learn your higher tables, mental
calculations become much easier. It is easy to learn your 11 times table, and the 12 times table is not
difficult. Six times 12 is 6 times 10 plus 6 times 2. Six times 10 is 60 and 6 times 2 is 12. It is easy to
add the answers for 6 times 12 to get 72.
The way tables used to be taught was difficult and boring. We have seen how easy it is to learn your
tables and how it can be done much more quickly than in the olden days.
It is usual to learn tables up to the 12 times table. It is not hard to learn the 13 times table if you know
the 12 times table. If you know 12 threes are 36, just add another 3 to get 39. Twelve threes plus one
more 3 makes 13 threes. If you know 12 fours are 48, just add another 4 to get 52.
Then, when you know your 13 times table, learn the 14 times table. You have two ways to do this.
You can factorise 14 to 2 times 7. Then you just double the number and multiply by 7, or multiply by 7
and double the answer. So, 6 times 14 would be 6 times 7 (42), then doubled is 84. That was easy. Also
you could have doubled the 6 first to get 12, and multiply 12 by 7 to get 84 again. If you know your 12
times table, that is easy as well. Another alternative is to say 6 times 10 is 60, plus 6 times 4 is 24. Add
60 and 24 for the answer, 84. Calculate these often and you will learn your tables without even trying.
Then you will find you can multiply and divide directly by 13, 14 and 15. This will give you an
advantage over the other kids.

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