Speed Math for Kids Achieve Their Full Potential

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
We  check   by  casting out the nines:

Multiply    our substitute  numbers and then    add the digits  in  the answer:
5 × 4 = 20
2 + 0 = 2
This checks with our substitute answer so we can accept that as correct.

Test yourself

Here    are some    problems    to  try.    When    you have    finished    them,   you can check   your    answers yourself    by  casting out the nines.
a) 21 × 24 =
b) 24 × 24 =
c) 23 × 23 =
d) 23 × 27 =
e) 21 × 35 =
f) 26 × 24 =
You should be able to do all of those problems in your head. It’s not difficult with a little practice.

Multiplying numbers below 20

How about multiplying numbers below 20? If the numbers (or one of the numbers to be multiplied) are
in the high teens, we can use 20 as a reference number.
Let’s try an example:
18 × 17 =
Using 20 as a reference number we get:

Subtract    diagonally:
17 − 2 = 15
Multiply by 20:
2 × 15 = 30
30 × 10 = 300
Three hundred is our subtotal.
Now we multiply the numbers in the circles and then add the result to our subtotal:
2 × 3 = 6
300 + 6 = 306
Our completed work should look like this:
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