Speed Math for Kids Achieve Their Full Potential

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

number to multiply 6 times 4 because we saw that 10 wasn’t suitable.
Let’s try using 9 as our reference number.

Subtract crossways:
6 − 5 = 1

4   −   3   =   1
Multiply 1 by our reference number, 9:
1 × 9 = 9
Now multiply the numbers in the circles, and add the result to 9:
3 × 5 = 15
15 + 9 = 24
The full working looks like this:

It certainly is not a practical way to multiply 6 times 4 but you see that we can make the formula
work if we want to. Let’s try some more.
Let’s try 8 as a reference number.

Let’s   try 7   as  a   reference   number.

Let’s   try 3   as  a   reference   number.

Let’s   try 2   as  a   reference   number.
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