Speed Math for Kids Achieve Their Full Potential

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

This answer is correct, so our calculation was correct.
Here is the option I prefer, however. Call out the problem backwards as an addition. This is probably
how you were taught to check subtractions in school. You add the answer to the number you subtracted
to get your original number as your check answer.
Adding the substitutes upwards, we get 6 + 8 = 14.
6 + 8 = 14
Adding the digits we get 1 + 4 = 5, so our calculation checks.
1 + 4 = 5
Our answer is correct.
I set it out like this:

Test yourself

Check   these   calculations    for yourself    to  see if  there   are any mistakes.   Cast    out the nines   to  find    any errors. If  there   is  a   mistake,
correct it and then check your answer.





They were all right except for b). Did you correct b) and then check your answer by casting the nines? The correct answer is 7,047.
This method will find most mistakes in addition and subtraction. Make it part of your calculations. It
only takes a moment and you will earn an enviable reputation for accuracy.

Note to parents and teachers

The difference  is  not so  much    with    students’   brains  but with    the methods they    use.    Teach   the strugglers  the methods the high
achievers use and they can become high achievers too.
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