Speed Math for Kids Achieve Their Full Potential

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

would round the 39 upwards to 40. For example, let’s divide 231 by 39. We set the problem out like

We divide both numbers by 10, so 231 becomes 23.1 and 40 becomes 4. Four won’t divide into 2, so
we divide 4 into 23. Four divides 5 times into 23 with 3 remainder (4 × 5 = 20). We carry the 3
remainder to the next digit, 1, making 31. Our work looks like this:

We  correct our remainder   for 39  instead of  40  by  adding  5   times   the 1,  which   we  added   to  make    40.
5 × 1 = 5
31 + 5 = 36
Our answer is 5 with 36 remainder.

Remember, these are only estimates. In the following case we have a situation where the estimate is
not correct, because 39 is less than 40. Let’s say we want to divide 319 by 39. Again, we round off to

  1. Our calculation would look like this:

We  divide  both    numbers by  10.

Four divides into 31 seven times, with 3 remainder. We write the 7 below the 1 in 31 and carry the 3
remainder to the next digit, 9, making 39.

We multiply our answer, 7, by the + 1 to get 7. We add 7 to 39, giving an answer of 46, which is our
remainder. We can’t have a remainder greater than our divisor, so, in this case, we have to raise the last
digit of our answer by 1, to 8.

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