Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

212 algebra De mystif ieD

still struggling

Have you ever wondered why expressions such as^20 are not numbers? let us see
what complications arise when we try to see what^20 might mean. Say^20 =x.


now cross-multiply.
2(1) = 0(x)
Multiplication by zero always yields zero, so the right-hand side is zero.
2 = 0 no value for x can make this equation true.
We could, instead, try to “clear the fraction” by multiplying both sides of the
equation by a common denominator. However, you will see that an absurd situ-
ation arises here, too.


⋅= 0 x

So, 0 = 0x, which is true for any x. actually, the expression^00 is not even defined
(what could it mean, anyway?).


On some equations, we need to raise both sides of the equation to a power
in order to solve for x. Be careful to raise both sides of the equation to the same
power, not simply the side with the root. Raising both sides of an equation to
an even power is another operation which can introduce extraneous solutions.
To see how this can happen, let’s look at the equation x = 4. If we square both
sides of the equation, we have the equation x^2 = 16. This equation has two
solutions: x = 4 and x = –4.

Solve the equation.

x− 1 = 6

Remember that ()a

= a if a is not negative. We will use this fact to pull
x – 1 from the square root sign. To “undo” a square root, first isolate the

Solve the equation.

Solve the equation.
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