Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Chapter 8 linear appliCaTionS 225

Increasing/Decreasing by a Percent

As consumers, we often see quantities being increased or decreased by some
percentage. For instance, a cereal box claims “25% More.” An item might be on
sale, its tag saying “Reduced by 40%.” We now learn how to interpret these
percentage changes. If we increase the quantity x by percentage p (the percent
written as a decimal number), the final quantity is xp+ x. If we decrease the
quantity x by percentage p, the final quantity is xp− x.


80 increased by 20%
80 increased by 20% is xp+ x
80 +=(. 0208 )( 08 ) 01 += 696
24 increased by 35%
24 increased by 35% is 24 + (0.35)(24) = 24 + 8.4 = 32.4
36 increased by 250%
36 increased by 250% is 36 + (2.50)(36) = 36 + 90 = 126
64 decreased by 27%
64 decreased by 27% is 64 – (0.27)(64) = 64 – 17.28 = 46.72


  1. 46 increased by 60% is __.

  2. 78 increased by 125% is __.

  3. 16 decreased by 30% is __.

  4. 54 increased by 21.3% is ___.

  5. 128 decreased by 8.16% is ___.

  6. 15 increased by 0.03% is ____.

  7. 24 decreased by 108.4% is ___.


  1. 46 increased by 60% is 46 + (0.60)(46) = 46 + 27.6 = 73.6

  2. 78 increased by 125% is 78 + (1.25)(78) = 78 + 97.5 = 175.5

  3. 16 decreased by 30% is 16 – (0.30)(16) = 16 – 4.8 = 11.2


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