Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Chapter 8 linear appliCaTionS 309

  1. A pair of boots is on sale for $112, which is 30% off the original price. What is the
    original price?
    a. $160.00
    b. $145.60
    C. $373.30
    D. $142.00

  2. When the radius of a circle is increased by 3 inches, its area is increased by
    75 ππ in^2. What is the radius of the original circle?
    a. 10 inches
    b. 11 inches
    C. 12 inches
    D. 14 inches

  3. Crystal is 3 years older than Melissa but 2 years younger than Carolina. The sum
    of their ages is 62. How old is Crystal?
    a. 21 years
    b. 22 years
    C. 23 years
    D. 24 years

  4. Nichelle can wash the windows of a small store in 5 hours 15 minutes. Maxwell
    can wash the windows of the same store in 2 hours 6 minutes. If they work
    together, how long would it take for them to wash the store’s windows?
    a. 60 minutes
    b. 80 minutes
    C. 90 minutes
    D. 110 minutes

  5. Troy has $1.55 in coins in his pocket. He has twice as many nickels as dimes and
    one more dime than he has quarters. How many quarters does he have in his
    a. 2
    b. 3
    C. 4
    D. 5

  6. Ryan’s course grade is based on three tests, the homework average, and the final
    exam. Each test is worth 20%, the homework average is worth 15%, and the final
    exam is worth 25%. His homework average is 84, and his test grades are 68, 79,
    and 75. He must make at least a B (80) in order to keep his scholarship. What is
    the lowest score he can make on the final exam and keep his scholarship?
    a. 92
    b. 93
    C. 94
    D. 95

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